Sunday, May 16, 2010

20100426 Question: Shroud of Turin

1: Why is the Shroud of Turin still held as a religious artifact when it was proven to be formed hundreds of years after Jesus's death?
1. The Shroud of Turin is believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus because the wounds match the historical methods employed at the time with details unknown in the Middle Ages but later discovered through modern archaeology. The imprint is also inexplicable by modern science. Furthermore, the tests performed on the cloth have long been debunked because the main body of the cloth has been shown to be much older than originally believed and the previous tests included portions of cloth that appear to have been repaired at later dates in history. Lastly, the cloth matches the description of a relic known to have traveled throughout Byzantium in the early centuries AD and doesn't fit the typical anachronistic (according to current fashions instead of with historical accuracy) style of religious works in the Middle Ages.

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