Sunday, May 16, 2010

20100426 Question: Incense

5: What is the ball with smoke in it that you use during some masses? What is it used for and why?
5. The device you're referring to is called a thurible. It is essentially a means of carrying (and employing in worship) a censer, a bowl used for the burning of incense. Incense is a sweet-smelling resin made from sap that makes a pleasant-smelling smoke when burned. Typically, charcoals are lit and placed in the thurible, then, when incense is desired for the ceremony, some of the incense will be spooned out onto the coals by the priest and then blessed. Therefore the smoke is seen as blessed, in the same sense as holy water, though for different purposes. The thurible is then used to incense the altar, blessed object, or the people of God, all things seen to have the blessing of God on them. Incense is most prevalently used in Mass and at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, times when we are most directly worshiping our God.

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